About Us
"I have a dream." — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Personality Type: The Protagonist (ENFJ-A)
Carolyn Battle-Cochrane
Founder, Battlecatt Productions, LLC
If you’ve ever worked for me, you’ve already heard the story of Diana Ross and the wheel. She told me as a much younger woman, every person that works for her is equally important. They all represent a spoke on her wheel. If you don’t meet her obligation, you will make her wheel wobble, so think about what you want to charge her, understanding she does not accept excuses. It changed my life.
Some have interpreted that to mean she’s a diva. That’s not true. Any man in power has the same expectations. She has to supply a certain demand to make her life—such a magnificent life work. What stood out the loudest in my memory, I was equally as important as her legal team, as her management team, as any other spoke on that wheel. I learned my value in that lesson. I also learned a professional work ethic in that lesson.
Equally important, equality, understanding on issues of race & light-skin privilege, biases—unconscious and explicit, these have been the spiritual whispers I have been responding to on the most recent path of my journey called life—the juxtapose between my personal fears for my tribe and headline tragedy gas-lit with crazy-ass politics has determined the reasons why I’ll sell the shirt off my back to keep moving forward.
I am passion & determination, laughter (often loud) and a flood of tears, both in daily doses. An abundance of hats to be worn as an indie player, love for what I do & the art of flexibility and plans B & C usually allow for a continued work-in-progress until completion. I desire goodness to trump evil, will work tirelessly with intention of bringing ground-breaking solutions, hope, and messages that require you to challenge yourself.
I’m so excited about what we can accomplish when we work together with good intent, and I believe that the revolution is the evolution of consciousness—I also believe the revolution must be televised !!
“I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.”
— Maya Angelou
Lisa Fischer
Music Supervisor
Lisa won her first Grammy for “How Can I Ease The Pain.”
Lisa and Carolyn met at Carolyn’s Park Ave. Salon in NYC, over two decades ago and became instant friends. They’ve written several songs together, it only made sense to refer to Lisa’s brilliance when it came to music in Carolyn’s films—the collaboration is effortless.
The Oscar-winning 2013 documentary Twenty Feet from Stardom changed the course of Lisa’s musical journey. Featuring clips of Lisa’s legendary duet with Mick Jagger on “Gimme Shelter” and glowing testimonials from famous colleagues, the film earned her a second Grammy.
Now Lisa is exploring new territory. She is featured on new projects and recently collaborated with the Alonzo LINES Ballet. On tour with Grand Baton, Lisa continues to inspire rave reviews from critics.
August 2019, Lisa performed at Royal Albert Hall, one of the United Kingdom’s most treasured and distinctive buildings. Mississippi Goddam—An homage to Nina Simone.
Photo Credit: alexlogaiski.com
“Well behaved women seldom make history.”
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Chantel L Handy
Production Manager, Office Administrator
Chantel grew up between CA, NY & Guam. Teen years were dance classes that landed a role in a Dougie Fresh video, working on & being in magazine photo-shoots, on film-sets and running the busy upscale salon on Park Ave. Chantel volleyed with the idea of working as a sound engineer, discouraged by Devante’s warning about the characters in the music business she decided on a career in the medical profession. She loves being a nurse and working with children. She loves delivering babies the absolute most.
Carolyn begged Chantel two straight years to work with her, realizing the organizational skills and professionalism like “Pooh’s” wasn’t easily found. Chantel declined—she did offer, “I’ll help you out for one year Mom, one year only!"
The world changed in the last few years, Chantel’s priorities and purpose has shifted with the worlds view, and the urgency to participate in creating stories that are honest and not propaganda, stories that offer an inside look on marginalized and oppressed communities that she especially now finds herself in. It’s become a family affair, and it’s all good!
“Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder!”
— Rumi

Cache' Heidel
Producer, Public Speaker
Cache’ has her Masters in accounting and had considered even higher education in her field. Stopped short in her tracks and came to grips with the reality she might be an accountant by trade but not by spirit.
Heidel’s life experiences have brought out the activist and the thirst for solutions in a complicated world with biases that have cost her more than most will ever experience. Five years now she’s been working with Carolyn on Ghost Skins, and has invested both her emotional all & her loot!!.
She’s teamed up with Battlecatt Productions, while she develops and works toward her mission of being a prominent figure in teaching folks about biases and how to overcome them, she’ll produce & support the stories that represent the urgent need for equality, justice and for understanding each other in such a divided world, while managing her ambitions as an educator at Ammunition for Change.
Cache' & Carolyn (and everyone else that comes from either family) have become one big extended family—the devotion to a common intention is shared with expertise, motivation and respect (& love) for each other.
“You wanna fly, you gotta give up the thing that weighs you down.”
— Toni Morrison